The Task Force Unicorn logotype. Copyright 2016 Rainman


Task Force Unicorn [TFU] is a semi-realism and teamwork oriented Arma 3 unit founded in October 2015 with members from all corners of the world. We stick together and play in a tactical style, but always with the motto "Keep it simple". With no pressures to play at certain times, members of our community can be flexible.

The initial idea behind forming TFU came from the wish to always have friendly and mature people around to make teamwork-focused squads with - even if you were playing irregularly on public servers.

Today we have a dedicated 30-slot public server (located in Europe, GMT +1) running the Direct Action game mode with RHS, TFAR and a few other mods. The server also runs Zeus missions almost every day. We have our own TeamSpeak server in which players on our public Arma 3 server are required to be on with the TFAR mod correctly installed. Click here to get the mods to join our public server.

On weekends we host custom private campaign operations, basic infantry and specialization role training sessions, and other special events for members only.

By wearing the unicorn insignia on your arm you represent cooperation, tolerance and kindness. And unicorns of course.

Who can join?

First off, you need to be above 20 years old. Secondly, you are a team player. You value team work and put the whole group's interests before your own. You must have a generally nice and friendly attitude - you don't team kill, you are not rude to others and you always follow server rules. Racism, sexism, hatefulness and other offensive behaviours are under no circumstances accepted in TFU. Not following these super simple guidelines will result in pretty much instant ban from the squad. By wearing the unicorn insignia on your arm you represent cooperation, tolerance and kindness. And unicorns of course.

So, why unicorns?

"Isn't that super gay?" Well, first of all - it's obviously a joke. It's meant to be a contrast to the built-in seriousness in a game like Arma 3. The combination of military simulation and folklore creatures is pretty funny to us because it's weird. Secondly, if this provokes you, or if you're homophobic - then this isn't the unit for you at all. We're an accepting and broadminded squad that just want to game together regardless of nationality, religion, ethnicity or sexual orientation. Make Arma, not war.

(Thirdly, the unicorns without the horn (yes, horses) have served man as beasts of war (and bravely died for us) for thousands of year, which automatically makes them bad-ass and deserve our eternal respect.)

I'm game! How do I join?

If you feel like this unit might be something for you, please feel free to click the Join-button in the menu above and send us your membership application. Tell us a little something about yourself there. If your application gets accepted you'll become a recruit and we'll add you on Steam. Being a recruit means you are on a one month long trial period where we try to play together as much as possible before we decide if we can take you in or not. So, if we like eachother, you'll be lifted to member, and from that point forward you'll have the right to carry our official TFU insignia arm patch together with our squad-abbrevation while playing online. Welcome!

/Rainman (Founder of TFU)